Although the most efficient and preferred place to grade student work is from the Grading area, you may access Grading tools to review and grade a single assignment directly from a course Gradebook.
1. From an assignment's drop-down menu, select “Grade Activity.”
2. On the “How would you like to grade?” page, select a method (“Student by student,” “Question by question,” or “Spotcheck Student Work”) to use to grade the assignment.
3. To review auto-graded questions, be sure to click the “Show auto-graded questions?” checkbox.
Note: For auto-graded questions, you may overwrite the points earned by manually adjusting the awarded points or by selecting the 100% or 0% quick grade buttons.
4. Click “start grading.” See “Student By Student Grading,” “Question By Question Grading,” or “Spotcheck Student Work” for detailed instructions.