What is a Forum?
Forums are audio-enabled discussions that allow users to post text as well as recorded messages. Using Forums, instructors, and students in a course can communicate asynchronously.
Uses for Forums
- Provide oral instructions or feedback for students
- Provide an open forum for student-based discussion
- Practice pronunciation and improve oral and listening skills
- Give oral presentations
Tips to use successfully:
- Be clear with your students on when, how, and why you will be using Forums.
- Set some ground rules for your students about your expectations, particularly with regard to the tone and language they use in Forum assignments.
- Give students a trial period to get started. Some students may need time to familiarize themselves with Forum's functionality or to set up their computers properly. Provide coaching, assistance, practice, and/or instructions (e.g., microphone placement, sound level adjustment, and using pauses before and after each recording to avoid recording issues).
- Advise students to look for Announcements (from you) about newly posted Forums.
- Keep the number of Forums small (per semester or year) especially when assessing students’ responses. Listening to many discussions is time-consuming.
- When reviewing recordings, take notes as you listen to avoid constant fast-forwarding and reviewing.
- Be sure to inform your students (via course Announcements) when a new Forum is posted and by when students are expected to submit a reply.
- Include a "reply by" date in the title of the Forum or in the title of a post.
- Track student grades for their work on Forums by adding an "external item" in your course grade book.
Click the following link to view the recorded session: to come
Please review the site technical requirements for supported browsers and operating systems. Headset with mic or speakers and mic required for audio-enabled posts. Forums are available on VHL Central 3.0 platform programs in courses with "Plus" access.
- On the Courses dashboard, click on the course or course section in which you wish to create a Forum.
- Select Student Communications, Forums.
- On the Forums dashboard, click the 'Add forum' button for the desired course section. Note that Forums can not be shared across all sections of a course, so you will need to create a duplicate forum for each course section.
4. Enter a name for the new forum (include a 'reply by' date in the name)
5. Enter the content of your first post. Posts can be audio and/or text-based. For audio posts, make sure your microphone is set up and on; use the recording controls to record and review your post. NOTE: All Forums are public, so all students in the course section can view and reply to each other's posts as well as yours.
6. Click 'Save.'
- Students can access the new forum in their account under Communication>Forums.
- We do recommend that you send an Announcement (post to the calendar) to alert students that the forum is posted and due by a certain date because students will not see the forum in their Assignment menu or calendar.
- From your Courses dashboard, click on the desired course or course section.
- Select Student Communications, Forums.
- Click the edit icon (pencil) for the desired forum.
- Click in the 'Forum name' field to make changes to the forum title.
- Click 'SAVE.'
- From your Courses dashboard, click on the desired course or course section.
- Select Stduent Communications, Forums.
- Click the delete icon (trash can) for the desired forum.
- Click 'DELETE' to confirm that you wish to remove the forum.
- From your Courses dashboard, click on the desired course or course section.
- Select Stduent Communications, Forums.
- Click the title (appears as a link) of the forum you wish to review.
- From within the forum, click on the 'Reply' link in the post to which you wish to reply. NOTE: Use the expand/collapse arrow to reveal all replies.
- On the 'Reply' window, you can reply using text or recorded audio.
- To enter a text reply, click your cursor in the text area and type a reply.
- To enter a recorded reply, click the record button and begin speaking after the recording indicator starts.
- Click 'SUBMIT'.
- To edit a post, click on 'Edit' for the post.
- On the 'Edit' window, make adjustments to the subject, text, or recorded audio. NOTE: You can only edit your own posts/replies.
- Click 'SUBMIT.'