1. Select the “All sections” level of the course in which you wish to add an activity (use the course/section drop-down menu).
Note: The “Create New” drop-down menu is not accessible within an individual course section.
2. Select Activities or Assessments and the lesson in which you wish to add a new activity.
Note: Instructor-generated content may be added to Activities or Assessments.
3. At the top right of the lesson's content menu, mouse-hover on Create new.
4. Select activity type, Student Recording (open-ended audio recording activity).
5. Fill in the required information for the activity type selected. Options may include:
- Title
- Direction line
- YouTube video link (Video activities only)
6. Depending on the activity type, you may also add optional information including:
- Reference materials: add text, an image and/or a word bank, and/or record audio or video
- Question prompt: this additional prompt may direct students to focus on the task that they have been asked to complete
7. Click save.
Note: New activities are hidden. Opting to show or assign the activity will make it visible to students.