From Assessment, you can view and assign quizzes, tests, and exams from your textbook’s Testing Program.
How do you get to the items within the Assessment?
- Select the lesson from the drop-down menu on the left.
- In the lesson menu beneath the drop-down menu, click on an assessment type: Vocabulary quizzes, Grammar quizzes, and Lesson tests; Unit tests and Multi-Unit exams for the end of units.
Preview an Assessment Item and Its Answer Key
- Click on the title of an assessment item to open and review it. Note: You may answer questions and submit the assessment.
- Click “Answer key” to review the acceptable answers for the assessment.
1. Check the box for a single assessment. Note: Make sure you are focused on the course or section in which you wish to assign the assessment (use the course/section selector).
2. Click “Assign selected.”
3. Select a due date by using the calendar or by entering a date using your keyboard.
4. Use the drop-down menu to select the category in which you wish the assessment to be assigned. (You can only select categories that you have set up to include assessment items. If the category you want is not listed, go to “edit course” to view or edit the category settings.) Note: If you are using a PRIME program, Portails, or Portales, you will also have to select a Group.
5. Use the drop-down menu to select the maximum number of attempts. Note: Assessments with open-ended question items are limited to 1 attempt.
6. In the Availability section, select the desired release settings.
a. Assessment release: “The [item] will be hidden until...”
i. Click “edit.”
ii. Select an option from the drop-down menu.
• Hide until “I release it.”
• Hide until “specific date and time.”
a. Select a date using the calendar.
b. Select am/pm hour and minutes (use the sliding mechanism).
b. Results release: “Results will be available when...”
i. Click “edit.”
ii. Select an option from the drop-down menu.
• Results will be available “when all students have been graded” (system default).
• Results will be available “when I release them.”
• Results will be available “after a specific date and time.”
a. Select a date using the calendar.
b. Select am/pm hour and minutes (use the sliding mechanism).
• Results will be available “after the due time.”
• Results will be available “never.”
7. In the Due time section, click “edit” to select a due time (use the drop-down menus for an hour, minutes, and AM/PM).
8. In the Time limit section, click "edit" to select an amount of time that students will be allowed to complete the assessment. Note: To set individual student time limits, refer to the section “Set Individual Student Time Limits on Assigned Assessment Items.”
9. In the Password section, type a unique password that will be required for accessing the assessment. Note: Provide a password to the proctor or designee who will administer the assessment.
10. Click “save.”
Set Individual Student Time Limits on Assigned Assessment Items
For assigned assessment items in which you applied a time limit, a "Set individual times" link is included in the table of contents listing for the assessment. This functionality can only be used within a course section (unavailable at the course level).
1. Click on the "Set individual times" link for an assigned assessment.
2. In the dialog box, scroll to locate the individual student(s). Note: You may reorder the student list (ascending or descending alpha order) by clicking on the Student column header.
3. From the Time limit drop-down menu for the student (s), select a new time limit setting: CUSTOM, UNLIMITED, DEFAULT. Note: You may reorder the student list (ascending or descending alphanumeric order) by clicking on the Time limit column header.
4. If you select CUSTOM, enter a time (in minutes) in the field provided.
5. Click SAVE.
Release/Hide Assessment Item, Grades, or Answers
For Assessment items, grades, or answers that you set to "when I release", a Release link appears in the table of contents under the Release column.
- Click the “Release” link at a time of your choosing to release the item.
- To hide a released assessment item or grades, click the appropriate “Hide” link in the Assessment table of contents under the Release column. Note: For more information about applying release settings for assessment items, grades, and answers, see "Assign an Assessment Item" for directions.