Start Assigning
Use the Start Assigning tool in the Calendar to save time locating the items you wish to assign; search for previously assigned items or filter for activities from a particular component (Presentation and Tutorials, Practice, Workbook, Lab Manual, Video Manual, Assessment) or that offer a particular question type such as multiple-choice, Internet search, or recording questions.
Use the Start Assigning Filters to Find Activities:
- Previously Assigned: choose activities from a previous section.
- Location: Choose activities from a certain lesson, section, or component.
- Properties: Choose activities of a certain type or by a certain grading method.
To find past assignments:
Step 1: Click on the Previously Assigned “edit” link and select parameters from one or more of the 4 options:
- Previous Section: Choose assignments from a past course section.
- Category: Choose assignments from all or a specific category in your grade book.
- Week: Choose all weeks or a specific week in your past course section.
- Day: Choose a specific day in your past course section from the calendar.
Step 2: Click the "apply" button. Search results will display in the results window (bottom left).
To find activities in a lesson:
Step 1: Click on the Location “edit” link and select parameters from the 3 options.
- Lesson: Choose assignments from all or a single lesson.
- Section: Choose assignments from all or one section within the lesson(s).
- Component: Choose assignments from all or one component (Presentation and Tutorials, Practice, Workbook, Lab Manual, Video Manual, Assessment, etc). Note: The choices in this drop-down menu are based on the available components for your textbook and the required code level you selected in the course setup.
Step 2: Click the "apply" button. Search results will display in the results window (bottom left).
To find assignments containing certain question types:
Step 1: Click on the Properties “edit” link and select parameters from the 3 options.
- Content: Choose a Content area from which to select assignments (e.g. Activities, Assessment, or both Activities and Assessment).
- Type: Choose all or one activity type (e.g. multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, flashcards, exams, etc.).
- Grading method: Choose all or one activity grading type (e.g. instructor graded, auto-graded, or a mixed of both grading methods).
Step 2: Click the "apply" button. Search results will display in the results window (bottom left).
Select Items to Assign from Start Assigning Search Results
Search results for settings in the Previously assigned, Location, and Properties filter options appear in the results window (bottom left). Results include all of the activities that match the settings chosen in the filters that are not yet assigned in the course.
Step 1: From the results list, select the check box for the activities you wish to assign. Depending on which check box(es) you click, you may select all activities in the results window, one or several activities, or an entire lesson section.
Step 2: Click “Assign selected”
To set due dates for Activities, see steps 3-5 in Assign One or More Activities.
To set due dates and release options for Assessments, see steps 3-8 in Assign an Assessment Item.