Returning Students
If you have an existing account for any Vista Higher Learning textbook, complete these steps:
- Go to
- Log in using your existing account information.
- Enroll in a new course by clicking the "Enroll in a course" link (see "Step 4 - Select a Course/Class" below).
New Students
If you are new to Vista Higher Learning, complete these steps:
Step 1 - Go to
Step 2 - Create an Account
- On the vhlcentral portal, click the "Create an Account" button.
- On the “Create an Account” screen, enter a username of your choice in the .
- Enter the email address you would like to associate with your account.
- Enter and confirm a password of your choice (At least 8 characters & include 1 number.)
- Enter your first and last name as you wish them to appear in your Instructor's roster.
- Select the year of your birth from the drop down list.
- In the "Security Information" section, provide the answer to a secret question, which may later be used to help you access your account if you forget your password.
- After you enter all of the information, click the "Create Account" button.
- The Confirm Account Information page will display the information you entered. You may review the accuracy of the information and click the “Edit Account Information” link to make necessary changes.
- Click the "Confirm" button.
- You will receive a "Terms of Use" pop-up.
- Click the "Agree" button.
Step 3 - Select a School
- Once you create an account, you will receive a welcome page with two options: "Enroll in a course" or "Continue to Homepage."
- Click on "Enroll in a course" to begin searching for your school and class.
- Select the market of your school, to then move towards searching for your school.
- Locate your school by typing your school’s name. To narrow the search results, add the city and state, (include the country, if outside of the USA) in which your school is located.
- Click the "Search" button. If the terms you entered did not result in a successful search, follow the on-screen tips to revise your search.
- Select your school from the list by clicking on its name.
- Click the "Next" button to add the school to your account.
- Look for a message at the top of the screen confirming you successfully added the school.
Step 4 - Select a Course/Class
- On the left side of the Enroll page, choose the Supersite program you will be using for your language course.
- On the right side of the Enroll page, a list of available courses and sections using your textbook at your school will display.
- Look for your instructor’s name and the name of your instructor’s course and click on the course and section in which you need to enroll.
NOTE: If more than one-course section is listed for your instructor, click the "+" icon for each one until you locate the correct course section.
- Click on the "Enroll" button.
- You should see a confirmation that you successfully enrolled in your instructor's course.
Step 5 – Watch How-to Videos
- Check out the many helpful how-to videos designed specifically to help you learn about and make the best use of your textbook’s site.