How do I track the progress of a specific student?
How do I view work submitted by a specific student?
This view allows you to focus on the work of one student. It presents overall performance and effort statistics for a student compared to the course average. It is perfect for use during meetings with a student to review an assignment or during parent-teacher meetings to review a student’s overall performance. Students see this same view in their account (without the class average comparison statistics), so they know how well they are doing in the course.
- From the scores view in the Gradebook, click on a student name.
- The student view opens in a separate browser window.
This page presents a student’s overall (cumulative) grade, as well as averages for each of your course’s grading rubric categories.
- Submitted: The number of assignments submitted by a student.
- Assigned: The number of activities assigned by educator.
- On Time: The amount of time a student has spent working on assigned items.
- Accepted Late: The number of activities educator has removed late penalty from
- Late: The number of assignments a student submitted after the due date and due time.
- Unsubmitted: The number of assignments not submitted by a student.
In the Scores page of the single student view, you can use the filter tool to locate a group of assignments or a specific assignment using a combination of sort characteristics. Items displayed in the results table include assignment preview links plus the student’s submission percentage scores statistics. The results table also includes columns for, points earned (pe), points possible (pp), attempts used, time spent (mm:ss), status of the assignment, time/date stamp, due date/time.
- The "VIEW BY" drop-down menu allows you to select specific Lesson, Lesson Strand and Category.
- The second option from the "View By" drop-down menu alllows you to review by activity Due Dates, Week, Lesson Strand and Category.
- In the results table, review the statistics and click on the student’s grade for an assignment to make any adjustments to the grade.
Note: For instructions, see “Adjust an Assignment Grade” in the Supersite 3.0 HELP TOPIC Gradebook Roster View - Working with student submissions and grades.