The main components of the Español Santillana SmartCenter are the SmartBook, the Fans Online Practice Activities, the Practice Workbook, and the Speaking & Listening Workbook.
Let’s take a look at each component.
The Español Santillana SmartBook is a fully interactive version of the Español Santillana Student Book and Teacher's Edition. It has easy navigation, point-of-use audio and videos, multimedia presentations, and nearly all activities can be completed at the point of use. All interactive activities are either automatically graded or easily teacher-graded using the Teacher Dashboard. It is divided by the unit to facilitate the loading speed and ease of use.
For example, take a look at the U2 SmartBook.
For more information about the Español Santillana SmartBook, click here.
The Fans Online Practice Activities are online-only activities that precisely follow the progression of each Student Book unit, allowing for easy integration. There are interactive activities, videos, and multimedia explanations of the content. Each link contains a few activities related to one particular section of the Student Book.
From a unit's Fans Online Activities folder, click on the link to view the packet of activities.
In Fans Online, to navigate between activities, you can click the drop-down arrow to see an index of activities, or click the left or right arrows to page through them.
IMPORTANT: Please note that the name of each link is meant to let you know which section of the unit the packet of activities corresponds to. Example: U2 Desafío 1 Vocabulario goes along with the Unit 2, Desafío 1 Vocabulary section in the Student Book (or SmartBook). That way, you will know which activities correspond to each section of a unit.
Fans Online activities allow 1 attempt by default, but you can change the number of attempts for each packet of activities. The Teacher Dashboard registers the grade after each attempt. Teachers can review a student’s scores by clicking on the activity name and viewing the Teacher Dashboard.
For more information about the Teacher Dashboard, click here.
The Practice Workbook online contains reading and writing activities nearly identical to those found in the print version. Teachers can easily combine the two as they see fit.
From the Materials index, navigate to the unit and Practice Workbook folder. Scroll to the section you wish to see, then click on the link to view the Practice Workbook activities. Click on View Dashboard to see student scores for these particular activities or change the number of attempts allowed.
IMPORTANT: Please note that the name of each link is meant to let you know which section of the unit the packet of activities corresponds to. Each "packet" of activities corresponds to a page of the print version of the Practice Workbook.
In the Practice Workbook, simply scroll down to see all the activities for a particular section.
The Speaking & Listening Workbook in the SmartCenter behaves in a similar way to the Practice Workbook and Fans Online activities but allows students to practice speaking and listening to the Spanish language. The contents are nearly identical to the print Speaking & Listening Workbook, but allow students to play listening selections at the point of use, complete and submit interactive activities, and submit recordings of their voices for speaking activities.
Teachers will be able to access these recordings through the Teacher Dashboard. Simply click on the .wav file link to access the audio.
A note about multiple attempts
To allow multiple attempts at SmartCenter activities, change the number of attempts in the Teacher Dashboard. A student who completes the activity will click Check/Comprobar and will see how many items they got right. After each attempt, the student has the option to click Refresh in order to retry or Submit/Enviar. After finishing all attempts, or clicking Submit/Enviar, the activity will be finalized and the student will not be able to continue attempting the activity.
If the activity is an open (teacher-graded) activity, it will allow only one attempt.