Updates for Fall 2024
1. Updated Calendars' user interface
Available in all programs.
The Assignment Calendar and “Start Assigning” page have been revised:
- same calendars
- larger calendar to make it easier to read
- added activities and lessons with clickable links
- full screen with no empty space
NEW Assignment Calendar
NEW Start Assigning Calendar
2. NEW Quick Grade in Instructor Graded activities
Available in all programs.
A Quick Grade option has been added in Instructor Graded activities to make that process easier and faster. Instructors can apply either a 0% or 100% for all answers, student by student or question by question.
Student by Student
Question by Question
3. vhlcentral Design Updates - Part 2
vhlcentral supports and facilitates language acquisition for thousands of educators and millions of students. We are thrilled to announce that we are revamping the vhlcentral design to enrich the user experience. The new design is welcoming and intuitive, promoting an easy transition from the current site design. All updates are being implemented with a focus on accessibility to ensure that digital content is accessible to everyone. Users can expect to see more updates as we work towards a unified vhlcentral design. We cannot wait to hear what you think of the new vhlcentral!
Password Reset
Welcome Page
School Selection
Enroll in a Course
4. Solo Video Recording NEW User Interface and Test Connection Feature
Only available for programs that already include solo video recording.
We improved the user interface by giving it a more modern look as well as transparency for information for the student before they begin an assessment or activity with a video recording. It now includes:
- A mandatory test connection feature so students are aware of any potential connectivity issues ahead of recording starting. The video/audio test has been enhanced as well so students can know if the audio/visuals are “good” for them to complete the assignment or activity.
- More information in the pre-test view to include the various sections and activity types on the assessment.
NEW Assessment details and Test Connection button
Test Connectivity with Internet, Video and Audio testing
Good Connectivity Result
Low Connectivity Result
5. NEW Portfolio
Only available for the following programs: Portales 2.0 Intro, Portales 2.0 Intermediate, Portails 2.0 Intro, Portails 1.0 Intermediate, Experiencias 2e Beginning packages that include WebSAM, Experiencias 2e Intermediate packages that include WebSAM.
A learning portfolio is a purposeful collection of student work that shows a student’s effort, progress, achievements, and competencies gained during a course or over time. Portfolios:
- collect activities to showcase a student’s growth over time
- allow students to reflect on their own activities
- allow students to view and comment on classmates' activities
- allow instructors to view submitted activities and provide feedback
Portfolio supports active learning by encouraging students to take ownership of the learning process and develop their identity as learners. It promotes reflective learning and it allows them to tell story about the different experiences that comprise each course and how those fit together to represent this unique education they´ve received with Vista Higher Learning products. Finally, Portfolio allows for community building inside and outside of the classroom.
Accessing Portfolio Dashboard in Teaching Tools
Portfolio Dashboard
Course Homepage - “Class Portfolios”
Portfolios section
6. NEW AI-assisted Feedback for Open-Ended and Composition Activities
Now available for the following program: Portales 2.0 Intro. The following titles will get this new functionality in September 2024: Vistas 7e, Panorama 7e, Viva 5e. It will become available in Aventuras 7e for Fall 2025.
By providing AI-assisted feedback on open-ended activities, grading will take less time for open-ended writing activities and instructors can spend more time on other tasks. AI suggestions can be taken into account or not, instructors are empowered to make the call.
Once AI-assisted feedback is enabled, that choice will persist across activities as it does with the other grading options. The AI-assisted feedback will be available to instructors by the time they are ready to grade. The moment a student clicks on “submit”, their submission is sent for evaluation by the AI.