If your district uses Clever, you can create a “custom section” directly in Clever that is based on, but not tied directly to, the courses and sections created by your Student Information System (SIS). For example, you may wish to provide students with access to multiple vhlcentral programs within one specific section you are teaching. While vhlcentral prevents you from linking more than one vhlcentral program to your section, you can create a second “custom” section directly in Clever and link that custom course section to a different vhlcentral course and program.
Example: I teach a course that uses Descubre for my vhlcentral program. However, I also have students in that course who need access to the vhlcentral Temas program as well. While I cannot link both Descubre and Temas to my existing course, I can create a custom section in Clever and link that custom section to Temas. My students will then be able to access a unique course each for Descubre and Temas.
Clever Support has created the following documents to assist with setting up the district data to share with Clever. For help with this data set-up please contact Clever Support.
Clever Support
- Support Help Center: clever.com
- Enterprise Support Center: support.clever.com
- Support Hours: 7 am-4 pm PT; school start 5 am - 4 pm PT (all of Aug and Sep)
For Clever Admins
For Curriculum Leads